Future Travel Experience Startup Competition and Showcase 2018

In partnership with JetBlue Technology Ventures, the global competition helps discover innovative concepts or products that enhance the passenger experience

JetBlue Technology Ventures has partnered with Future Travel Experience to launch three global startup competitions in 2018 designed to help discover the most innovative concepts or products that can help to significantly enhance the passenger experience, or ancillary revenue opportunities, during the following phases of the travel process: Inspiration & Booking, Airport, Inflight, and Pre- and Post-Travel.

For each competition, powered by the FTE Startup Hub, the top four startups will be selected by a panel of esteemed judges from JetBlue Technology Ventures and Future Travel Experience. These startups will receive the opportunity to participate in a showcase at the Future Travel Experience Europe & Ancillary (June 6-8, Dublin), Future Travel Experience Global (September 10-12, Las Vegas) or Future Travel Experience Asia EXPO (November 13-14, Singapore) shows. Each will receive free entrance into the conference and free display space at the expo.



The first competition to launch is the Future Travel Experience Europe & Ancillary 2018 Startup Competition & Showcase.

Opening date: Tuesday March 27, 2018

Deadline for entries: Friday 27 April, 2018


1 Grand Prize Winner will receive worldwide recognition at Future Travel Experience Europe & Ancillary 2018, two free round-trip JetBlue flights, and post-event media coverage.
4 Finalists will receive free entrance to Future Travel Experience Europe & Ancillary 2018, a free display space at the expo, and an opportunity to pitch in front of hundreds of industry leaders.
All Startups that enter the competition and meet the entry requirements but are not selected as a top-four finalist will be entitled to a discounted exhibition package (€2,295/booth) or discounted delegate entry to the FTE Europe & Ancillary event (€1,295/person).


The competition is open to any startup worldwide that has received funding at the Series B level or less and incorporated within the last five years.

To Apply:

Eligible startups can apply by submitting a free profile on FTE Startup Hub website*. When completing the profile, you must confirm that your startup is available to attend Future Travel Experience Europe & Ancillary 2018 (June 6-8, Dublin). Profiles must be submitted by Tuesday 24 April in order to be entered into the competition.

Submit your profile and enter the Startup Competition

You must create your account first to submit your profile


“Travel” is a very broad term, but the focus at FTE is very much on the products and services created for airlines, airports and their closely held partners. We want to build the largest air transport startup repository in the world and we want it to be laser-focused around the following areas: Inspiration & Booking, Airport, Inflight, Pre- & Post-Travel. So if your startup or scaleup has something to offer in any of these areas, please get involved.

The FTE Startup Hub is open to any startup or scaleup worldwide that is Series B or less and with sales of less than €2 million.

We look forward to working with you!

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